
Refund Policy

We gladly offers 30 day return policy for our valued customers. We want your satisfaction and faith in our products to last forever, for that matter we strive hard to meet all the needs of our prized customers. Bearing this fact, however if for any reason, you are still not fully satisfied with your purchase, we have a simple 30- Day Returns policy through which you can return the item of your purchase to our office(s) within the first 30 days of the shipment for a 100% refund or exchange.

Terms & Conditions

Demati supplies products listed on the Demati, and Demati websites, and in our stores under the following Terms and Conditions. Please read these Terms and Conditions, and our Privacy and Cookie Policies carefully before using any of our websites, or ordering from us.

The Terms and Conditions apply to your use of any Demati website and to any products you purchase from them; regardless of how you access the website, including any technologies or devices where our website is available to you at home, on the move or in store

We reserve the right to update these Terms and Conditions at any time, and any updates affecting you or your purchases will be notified to you, by us in writing (via email), and on this page.

The headings in these Conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.

We recommend that you print and keep a copy of these Terms and Conditions for your future reference...